Quick start guide 1/2 - Calculation and basic functionalities
Quick Start Guide new to solvers
Calculation and basic functionalities
Quick Start Guide 2/2 Basis analysis
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This is a written quick start guide for Deepsolver. In this quick start, you will find basic functionalities, and you will learn how to make your first calculation. In this example, we make a Heads-up (HU) calculation for the flop.
What you'll do here:
This is a basic guide for players using Deepsolver for the first time, especially with little or no experience with solvers.

1. Let's start
After clicking the "Log in" button on our website, you will see your dashboard:

1.1 User dashboard
Here you can navigate through previously calculated hands, GTO Trainer hands, or hands that are saved.
See 2.1 in this article for an explanation of the buttons
Click here to open your own library.
Click here to go to the real-life GTO trainer.
Click here to create a custom hand and learn GTO strategy.
Importing hands feature is coming soon.
The bulk calculation feature is coming soon.
Here you will find your 4 most recent games.
2. Your first calculation
To make an calculation, you have to go through two steps:
Define game
Build tree and set ranges

To make your first calculation, click on "custom hand" in your dashboard, and the following screen will appear:

2.1 Calculation dashboard
Click on the Deepsolver logo (top left) to return to your Dashboard.
Here you can navigate through previously calculated hands, GTO Trainer hands, or hands that are saved.

Click on the "+" sign and a dropdown menu will appear to fast-forward to features in Deepsolver:

Click on the "question mark" and a dropdown menu will appear to quickly go to our Help Center, Blog or Discord.

Here you will find your available coins. If you click here, you will be taken to the menu of: profile / subscription / coins / preference.

Here you can see at which step you are in the calculation, in this example, step 1 - Define game.
Click "Save" to save your hand.
This is the game preview. Here you'll find your game, and you can navigate through the hand after entering it in Deepsolver.
Here you click on the street you would like to calculate for your hand.
Here you enter the board you want to use for your calculation.
Here you enter the number of players, the size of the pot, and the effective stack size.
Click on the "+" if you want Deepsolver to take rake into account.

How to enter the flop with an example?
Example hand
We play in a HU game from the SB (Button) where the blinds are 30/60 and the effective stack size is 600. We limp preflop, BB checks preflop. BB checks on the flop, and we want to see how to play our range versus the BB on the flop.
The flop is Kh8c4s. What to do with my range versus the BB?
Explanation of terms in example
2.2 Define game

Click on "Flop", because we would like to know what to do on the flop.
Here you enter the board, at A you can do this manually and at B you can select the cards you want to use.
Here you enter the size of the total pot, and the effective stack size.
We will leave this blank in our example because this is not a cash game example.
If you entered everything correctly, it will look like this:

To proceed to the next step of your calculation, click "next" or click "Build tree and set ranges":

2.3 Build tree and set ranges
Build tree and set ranges dashboard:
We have arrived at the part where we have to enter the ranges. This can be done in two ways:
A) By getting real-life ranges through the GTO Range Shop (Completely free). To go to the shop, simply click on this button and follow the steps.
B) Click "IP set ranges" to manually select the range for the SB and click "OOP set ranges" to manually select the range for the BB.
Decide what type of decision tree do you prefer.
Using the "SMART Tree" option you will get a tree automatically optimized by our neural network.
If you need some more advanced trees you can click on "Custom tree". Here you can enter five different bet sizes, and four different raise sizes. Keep in mind that you are not entering chips here, but a percentage of the pot.
Read more about custom tree building here.

After you have selected the ranges you can choose from three different calculation types: "regular" / "pro" / "custom".

In this example, we choose the tree build by Smart tree builder and SB vs BB with ranges from GTO Range Shop.
Your screen should now look like this:

Click on "calculate" at the top right so that Deepsolver will make the calculation for you.
Congratulations, you have now completed your first calculation in Deepsolver
When Deepsolver has calculated your hand, it looks like this:

Quick Start Guide 2/2 Basis analysis
Poker & Deepsolver Dictionary
Deepsolver GTO Trainer
Name your hand
Categorize your hand
Export a hand
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Updated on: 07/10/2021
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